All hail the Coen Brothers' latest movie

George Clooney as leading man Baird Whitlock in the Coen Brothers Hail, Caesar!  (Picture:  PA Photo/Alison Rosa/Universal.)George Clooney as leading man Baird Whitlock in the Coen Brothers Hail, Caesar!  (Picture:  PA Photo/Alison Rosa/Universal.)
George Clooney as leading man Baird Whitlock in the Coen Brothers Hail, Caesar! (Picture: PA Photo/Alison Rosa/Universal.)
The Coen brothers delve into Hollywood's golden age in Hail, Caesar! '“ and their cast is in on the joke, says Tony Earnshaw.

After signing up to play dimbulb convicts, sex addicts and legal eagles for writer-director duo Joel and Ethan Coen, George Clooney should have learned that these two individuals are not to be trusted.

Thus in Hail, Caesar! – a spottily superb nostalgia trip through studio-era Hollywood replete with the motley denizens that made it tick – he’s a non-too-bright leading man whose star quality is handed to him by the hard-boiled studio chief.

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